

  • Skin Tightening

    Face and Neck $1500

    Ultherapy's secret is ultrasound energy. This non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatment uses focused ultrasound energy to stimulate your body's own natural healing process. Ultherapy targets the deeper structural layers of your skin which provides a lifting and tightening effect for your face and neck.

    Ultrasound technology allows you to achieve these results without harming the surface of your skin. And Ultherapy treatments only take about an hour to complete. Don't wait, schedule your Ultherapy treatment today!



    Ultherapy works by sending ultrasound energy to the treatment area, most often the brow, chin, neck, or chest. These ultrasonic waves create a gentle warming effect in the targeted area.

    The ultrasound energy stimulates the facial tissue. This provides an immediate and noticeable tightening effect that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Over the next few months, Ultherapy also increases the production of collagen, giving the skin a youthful more toned appearance.

  • Micro Focused Ultrasound (MFU) which uses sharply focused energy to a specific skin layer, leaving surrounding areas unaffected.
  • FDA Cleared.
  • DeepSEE Visualization Technology.
  • Precise Targeting.
  • No downtime.
  • Very safe, clinically proven.
  • Lasting visible lifting effect at 1 session!
  • Based on micro-focused ultrasounds, so there are beams that are focused sharply upon the skin.
  • Does not damage or burn your skin’s surface.
  • Safer and much more effective.
A woman with lines drawn on her face and neck.
A computer monitor with two faces on it.
A woman with her eyes closed and hands on the face.
A woman with her chin up and the side of her face.
A woman getting her face waxed at the salon